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You Can’t Hear the Freeway



In this park

but one dog owner


in picking up after 

their pup’s business.


Across the street

a school at recess

children squealing with laughter;

games being attempted

friends joining in.

Not angry noises.


This is LA.


A couple of blocks over

and there is anger in that schoolyard

drug dealer cruises the street

looking for another customer.

A mini Monroe Doctrine

because this is mine

all of it.

I get it

but sometimes I don’t.


I know the cars on the freeway

are moving souls towards

their reflective destinies.

Clean cars, 

so clean you can use 

the three second rule

if you drop a crumb.


There are less crumbs being dropped.

Hands along freeway off ramps

asking for help

having served the flag

been kicked out of the circle

no one to call.

only heavens can heal.


Photos taken in an afternoon shoot

getting stuck in a tree

and having courage to laugh

at rudimentary fear

of heights.

Are you just going to sit there

or are you going to help,

my hopeful mantra 

to get through

until noon. 

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